ECOMOTI Second Joint Meeting of ECOWAS Ministers of Trade and Industry.

The ECOWAS Commission held the 2nd Joint Meeting of the ECOWAS Ministers of Trade & Industry (ECO-MOTI) from 10th – 11th November 2022 in Abidjan. The Ministerial meeting was preceded by the Meeting of Experts of Trade, 8th – 9th November 2022. The 2nd ECO-MOTI was to discuss and request…Continue reading ECOMOTI Second Joint Meeting of ECOWAS Ministers of Trade and Industry.

Second Meeting of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee (RTFC)

The ECOWAS Commission, with the support of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Programme, organized Second Meeting of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee (RTFC), held Virtual from 3rd – 4th  November 2022. The 3-days meeting held was to consider and adopt key projects for the operationalization of the RTFC…Continue reading Second Meeting of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee (RTFC)

Retreat of the Interdepartmental Trade Facilitation Committee (IDTFC)

The Directorate of Trade of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) organised a Retreat for the ECOWAS Interdepartmental Trade Facilitation Committee (IDTFC) in Lagos, Nigeria from August 1 – 3, 2022. The 3-day retreat provided a platform for Directorates and Agencies of the ECOWAS Commission…Continue reading Retreat of the Interdepartmental Trade Facilitation Committee (IDTFC)

Launch and First Meeting of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee (RTFC)

The ECOWAS Commission, with the support of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Programme, organised the launching of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee (RTFC) on 21st February 2022 in Lomé, Togo. The launching ceremony, which was moderated by Mr. Kolawole SOFOLA, Acting Director of Trade, featured speeches from H.E.…Continue reading Launch and First Meeting of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee (RTFC)