Trade Statistics

ECOWAS trade statistics provides quantitative data and information reflecting exports, imports, products, volume, variety and partners. It provides information on overall regional and national trade flows and other relevant trade information and data.


ECOWAS Statistics

ECOWAS Commission has developed a statistical database for the effective planning of programs and for data analysis. The overall objective is to promote the management and effective dissemination of collected data on the community.

To improve upon the delivery of the ECOWAS Commission’s statistics web-based tool, ECOWAS Statistics platform has been developed and the capacity of relevant officers built to manage the platform and train relevant ECOWAS Commission officers.

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 ECOWAS Statistics


ECOWAS Informal Cross Border Trade (ECO-ICBT)

The growing importance of informal trade in the economic and social life of ECOWAS States has compelled the ECOWAS Commission to prepare this Regional Informal Trade Regulation Support Programme (ITRSP/PARCI). This Programme is part of the operationalization of the strategy for the regulation of informal trade in the ECOWAS region adopted in 2012, which analyzed informal trade in the region and made an inventory of the major areas of intervention of the ITRSP/PARCI.

ITRSP/PARCI is structured around the following four (4) result areas which in turn, has sub-components: (i) Reliable and up-to-date information on informal trade is available. (ii) Institutional capacities of informal trade stakeholders and their participation in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of policies on the development of intra-regional trade are enhanced.  (iii) Reforms essential to the elimination of obstacles to the development of formal trade are undertaken (iv) Incentives are provided to facilitate the migration to the formal sector of informal sector stakeholders.

As part of efforts to enhance the Informal trade information system, a web-based platform, ECO-ICBT, has been established.

The overall objective of ECO-ICBT is to focus on the data collection of informal trade sector and to ensure the timely and availability of informal trade data. It seeks to disseminate information on markets and cross – border trader flows; increase networking of both private and public market players.

The ECOWAS Commission since 2018, in collaboration with Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought in the Sahel (CILSS) and West African Association West African Association for Cross-Border Trade, in Agro-forestry-pastoral, Fisheries products and Food (WACTAF), work together to internalize and implement the sub-component of ITRSP /PARCI, relating to the collection of informal cross-border trade data.

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Trade Map

The International Trade Center is a multilateral agency established in 1964 and is working together with the World Trade Organization(WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). It focuses on enhancing the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing and transition economies and to assist them better access international markets.

“ITC’s mission is to foster inclusive and sustainable economic development, and contribute to achieving the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. ITC works towards creating ‘trade impact for good.”

The ITC has developed and online market analysis tool to facilitate trade and enhanced decision making through easy identification of import and export potentials, conduct much needed detailed market analysis.

The market analysis tools include Trade Maps; Market Access Maps; Export Potential Maps; Market Price information; Global Trade Helpdesk; Rules of Origin; Procurement Map; and Investment Map.

Through the market tools, business operators are able to access various trade statistics databases in the world as well as access to market price information and export/import opportunities.

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